
What's With The Odd Video Licenses?

That's called a "Creative Commons License" and I use that mainly because of the international nature of the internet. Long story short, the EU gave the go ahead to the "European Copyright Commission" which promises new protections for small creators except that "Article 13" and "Article 17" punishes anyone who shares the digital versions of work without having permission from the copyright holder first.
Update: and good news for normal copyright holders, America has a version of this, too. It was snuck in under a bill that's SUPPOSED to be for Covid relief. Said damage will be a hefty fine if you watch an illegal copy of a streaming copyrighted work of a TV show or film.

What is a Creative Commons License?

A Creative Commons License is a specially made add-on for copyright that gives special permissions between creators and admirers. Hey, you try to explain this in layman!
The license gives you the right to make money off of it and to make a deviant (a parody or adjustment of the work) with the stipulations that you attribute it to the right person and if you share the end result; not all at once, though. As of right now, you can't make money off my short skits unless you ask me directly. Not guaranteed I'll say "yes."

Why do you go with the license?

In the digital age, especially in the era of "European Copyright Commission Article 13," it's important for licenses that clearly state what we allow to do with digital content and protects users from legal action.

How do I use said license?

If you want to put your work under a CC license or to learn more about this miracle of copy-left,   go here:
They should help you get set up with choosing, lickity split!

 Uh, Noah? Where are the Share buttons?

I have no clue. They're not suppose to go anywhere, since, as the page stated, I'M GIVING OUT PERMISSION, but what can you do.
Until I solve this, you can copy and paste the link to almost anywhere you choose!
