
The All Important and Hot Button Issue of Censorship

This subject I have to tread carefully on.
As far as my research goes, the topic of censorship has been nothing but trouble from the first erotica book written on American shores to the origin of the "Hayes code," from the video game trials of "Mortal Kombat" and "Night Trap," to the modern-day calls for censorship in American media, censorship is, and continues to be, a hot button issue.
The thing is that everyone everywhere approaches it differently. What one person might find disgusting and degrading another person views as modern art in action.
Even though I don't like the subject as much as the next guy, I'm still going to practice SOME level of censorship. I'll mostly try to keep my films somewhere in the PG-13 range.
I also know about some mental psychology where the mind fills in the blanks in given media. And this works in many more ways than adding blood, gore, and sensual content to a given scene. For example, adding historical context into a history film that the film makers didn't have the time to put in.
I hope this answers some questions about this headache of a topic. Knowing my luck, it'll probably not be enough.
